
PR through...

Words /

Spin can:
  • Compile your media kit
  • Create stories and stunts that both capture attention and communicate your message
  • Devise and distribute reactive press statements in times of opportunity or crisis
  • Produce industry viewpoint articles
  • Write creative copy for your promotional material
  • Manage and develop your social profiles: Facebook, Google+, Bebo, Twitter, Pinterest, Linkedin
Events / 

Spin can:
  • Arrange & host memorable launch events
  • Organise press junkets and showcases
Images /

Spin can:
  • Organise photo shoots with our skilled and experienced photographers; most of whom have direct experience working with the press
  • Produce web/TV-ready clips, trailers and full-length, edited footage for use within your electronic press kit (EPK), on social media sites/profiles and television

PR Packages /

In addition to our bespoke services, Spin also offers a number of packaged solutions that approach various aspects of PR that industry professionals are likely to require.

Our packages include:

Social Manager - If you're struggling for time and need help making your social profiles more productive or, you simply don't understand how to make social media work for you, then Spin is on-hand to assist.  We can manage and develop your social media campaign; servicing your social profiles and composing creative copy for your blog.

Tour PR - If you've a theatre show, concert, or event that is performing in a number of locations across the country, our tour PR service offers a comprehensive solution to your publicity concerns on a national, regional and local level.

No Frills PR - An alternative PR solution for those who perhaps do not have access to enormous marketing budgets, and want to alleviate the burden of PR activities; namely media relations, yet desire the support and expertise of the professionals.

Please get in touch for more details and pricing!